Not a rant, but just curious, comment which you like more, Java, or C++. (And your favorite editor/IDE for the hell of it)

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    Java + vim ; i know its awefull
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    C++ and i mostly use C9.io... i hate visual studio because reasons but it one of the few platforms that supports c++14
    (and dont get me started on codeblocks... thats just bad UI design)
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    Java + IntelliJ(Jetbrains is great.)
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    Edit to this: I've been programming in C++ for quite some time. I have very little experience in Java, so I prefer C++. Visual Studio community does not run very well for me but I finally got Atom set up so I can compile and run my C++ from there. Very simple little IDE for starters; looks good too!
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    @TheCrashman the IDE is irrelevant for C++ as to each his own and most are SDK independant, but its about the compiler and what it supports.
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    Java, all day long. I'm HEAVILY biased though, as I'm an Android programmer.

    Android Studio and IntelliJ IDEA are the tools of choice, depending upon what I'm building.
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