I frckin HATE people who say 'Ah, you can program now? So can you make a game for me? I even have some ideas!, bla bla blurb...'
It makes me wanna hurt them. And the really, really sad thing about it is: nearly no one understands why.

  • 5
    I rewrote and optimized some of the codebase for my friend's MTA server and he thinks I'm some kind of a fucking wizard and is trying to get me to make a bunch of resources for him when I know jack shit about lua or the built in functions
  • 11
    I once flew to San Francisco for a conference. Made the mistake of letting the cab driver know I was a developer. He then proceeded to regale me with his brilliant app idea for the entire 30+ minute drive. Never been so thankful to be done with a cab ride.

    At the end of the week, I called for a ride back to the airport. Same driver showed up... >.<
  • 1
    My friends and family keep asking me why I don't create an app like Instagram or Snapchat and make money from it.
    Just wish it were that easy..
  • 0
    Friend, I was a writer long before I started coding and let me tell you, that shit is as annoying as. My personal favorite (as in the thing I despise more than Satan's ass) is the "can you make me a character?" That is by far the one I can't stand the most.
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