
You know what you shouldnt do? Leave your bag with your work laptop at the stairs.

Woke up as normal today and helped the kids down the stairs without checking. Then I just heard how I stepped on something.

Lets say its a big crack in the middle of the screen and you see shit. But gladly it work with work with external screens so its just the screen that are damaged. So tomorrow I must either:

- Work as normal with an external monitor and simply wait to call the boss for fix until after christmas.

- Or call the boss and tell him how stupid I am and hope its okay and I van get a new one/fix this.

Right now I feel for the first one.

  • 1
    You bring your work laptop home? Not enough slavery at work that you need to continue at home? Family should come first, bro.
  • 1
    @setyadi, I've got some days of telecommuting a week and I can't use my own laptop because of security features on my work's set up. So I bring my work one home. Perhaps OP does as well.
  • 1
    @setyadi I have a one hour train ride to work so I like to get some work done.
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