
When you start a new job as a Senior Developer, and start asking questions about the code, and you have these collections of conversations with other front-end people:

Exhibit 1:
Me: Ahh so I see the filtering and pagination is all done with Javascript in the front end...

Random dev: No, it's done with Angular.

Exhibit 2:
Me: I think we should add frontend pagination to this page. There will be too many elements on it if you're a customer with 2000 servers.

Random dev: Don't bother, there's no pagination in the API call... So that will not gain any performance.

Me: But it wouldn't take long to implement and it would improve the user experience, why would you want to show ALL the elements, when you have an option not to... Also, it WILL be a major performance hit, especially on mobile.

Random dev: People will use search anyway.


Also, there are no coding standards, every file looks different, and my opinion is being disregarded in everything, and I thought my last job was bad...

Seriously how are some people hired as front-enders?

Since I just took this job, I feel obligated to stay a couple of months... But hey, don't cry for me, I might have more rants for you. 😂

Sorry for the long rant, here's cake: 🍰

  • 6
    I left my last job after 3 weeks, best thing I did IMHO

    They didn't treat me well and by that I mean they blamed me for stuff that wasn't done. Stuff that was never scheduled and nobody told me I had to do it. After pointing out that nobody had told me that the one colleague claimed he had told me till the last minute. This was a huge red flag for me so I bounced.

    What I am trying to say is, if you really are a "Senior Developer" (which is a title I cannot get along with but that's another topic) you will find another job so don't worry. You owe them nothing
  • 9
    @slaat Just saying they hired me with this title, but everyone refuses to listen to anything I say... I would be happier being a Junior with awesome colleagues. 😉
  • 0
    @Chefren Oh okay sorry for the misunderstanding. Nonetheless I stand by the rest
  • 2
    Yup thats why they are called The Front"enders"
  • 0
    It would look terrible in your resume if you quit after only couple months
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