Not being suitable for eveything is my biggest annoyance with Python. Give me Python with the performance of assembler and I'll be in heaven :)

  • 3
    I think that's probably unreasonable.
  • 0
    Check out Nim(rod)
  • 0
    How to write ints in asm? Im com'ilerbuilding and cant get this solved
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    I despise python. Purely because IMO, indentation has no business being code.
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    It's a very unreasonable request for sure :) @deusprogrammer But it bothers me that every time we get faster computers we add overhead in OS and programs that renders the speed gains null and void. A raspberry Pi with assembler OS and programs would feel like frikkin supercomputer..
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    @vinaysshenoy I do feel that the indentation is the worst part of Python - and also when switching between languages. In the beginning lack of weird syntax felt like a relief. And since I'm sloppy with indentation when there's regular syntax it felt like a bonus. But in the long run it is a bit weird when switching between js/Perl/Python
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