
Just one more video...

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    @TktStatusPICNIC Yep. Well i create it by my self as reminder. this picture applied to almost all my stuff which have display. Got the pict from unsplash, using Bebas font and the words just popped up in my head :))
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    @TktStatusPICNIC i can give you the original pict or the largest one. But damn, i forgot to save the PSD.
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    @TktStatusPICNIC not really. In fact, this is just my first time. I hate my self for easily getting distracted while i have lot of things to do. So hope this pict help me.
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    @TktStatusPICNIC what a nice words. Did you type your code with that finger? Lol. Anyway, will do *brofist
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    Lies! I will never get too old to procrastinate!
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    @qbons this post broke my hearth and kicked me on at the same time, ill use this font in some banner for sure! thx
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    Might just be British me but I'd say "doing shit" is the complete opposite of procrastinating. Definitely a great design style though!
  • 1
    @adbo well maybe. But in my opinion, "doing shit" mean do meaningles things ( man, i watching Unbox Therapy for couple hours and end up in Ozzy Review video. You should check his review about Iguana from Planet Earth 2 ).
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    I just realize, i missed the "R". Shit....
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    @qbons You have some good taste in channels 😜
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