  • 12
    Lol, mirrored...
  • 5
    Why would you mirror your screen?
  • 2
    Welcome to devRant! Nice!
  • 1
    I use my LCD as a second screen pretty much everyday, it's here for that purpose 😛
    Well, 95% of the time. Sometimes I unplug the cable so I can watch regular TV, like the news while I get ready on the morning or while I eat or once every 2w or so to watch a football/soccer match 😛 The others I have to watch online. On my big TV! LoL
  • 1
    @aurghyadip I took the pic before I switched to second scree. 😆
  • 1
    Why would you mirror it instead of extending? :o
  • 1
    @TktStatusPICNIC oh I missed that! 👀 hahaha
  • 1
    Already on vscode 1.8! Nice! 😎
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