
All those complaints about having to maintain the shitty code the last developer left behind...

I work on a new project Monday. Modern stack on a platform I have no knowledge about. No one else more experienced to work with. I AM THAT LAST DEVELOPER!!!

  • 1
    Run my friend, run
  • 2
    Comment like your life depends on it.

    Because if the next dev finds you it will...
  • 0
    Unit Test the shit out of it... And stick to good design principles. Just imagine the developer who takes over after you is a violent psychopath who knows where you live. ;-) (Yes, i still that sentence).
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    Tell us stack you going with
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    Know the feeling... Last developer at my previous job left Drupal behind... Fcking DRUPAL! I was unproductive for months
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    I was once so pissed off about maintaining someone else's shitty code that I almost made up my mind to quit my job. Thankfully, I managed to calm down.
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