
What would you recommend using for developing non-native Android apps. Looking for something well documented. Share your thoughts please.

  • 4
    If you're okay with C# definitely Xamarin.
  • 2
    Brainfuck offcourse
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    Hands down React-Native. It's still a native app, but you're using JavaScript as your view and state machine. There's also NativeScript platform, which is similar...just with TypeScript and Angular 2. Ive personally have had nothing but bad experiences with Ionic and other Cordova type frameworks.
  • 1
    Xamarin, well documented and you also learn native android, which looks good on a resume :) they have awesome documentation in my opinion
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    Rubymotion maybe?? Shows a lot of promise.
  • 6
    What I like the most ist that of you write a good intterface based backend you can implement iOS or windows phone (if you are that sort of weird human) in a couple of hours.
    Also generates nativ code so win win
  • 1
    to give a choice also look at nativescript, also allows for native apps like react but without the agony of react.
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    nvm previous post. dude above mentioned it already. I just read like a douche.
  • 0
    Thank you for your answers guys. I decided to go with nativescript. Looks really cool so far.
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