Are wordpress developers even considered web developers?

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    Why not? It's web, it's what the user sees, and it can have programming, so it's web frontend development.
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    I don't generally consider what platforms like WordPress do development. It's complex configuration, sure, but all the actual meaty dev work has been handled by the people who made the CMS. Same for systems like sitecore, websphere portal server, endeca, etc.

    That's just my opinion though.
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    @SortOfTested I gues the people that modified the wordpress site/ people who work on making wordpress better can be considered devs
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    To some degree my opinion is based on generalized experience with numerous CMSes, and reflects only my opinion.

    There's publicly stated opinions on this from people who are WordPress core contributors.

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    As always: that depends.

    If you write plugins for it, you are developing.

    If you set up themes and configure plugins, not so much.

    It's the same with Sharepoint (gaaaawkk BTW).
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    WordPress developers have just learned to use a tool that clients refuse to learn themselves, If that's there only skill, they are not Web developers, If they know everything and use WP for aid, then they can be called Web Developers
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    In my opinion you have to separate the role of designers and developers.

    If they only add some plugins and themes and configure, its design.

    But if you add custom scripting or your own css its development.

    Both roles are required for any good site and a designer can often make a better site on their own than a developer :)

    If only because it looks better, which should NOT be underestimated.

    Personally I fall mostly in the developer role.

    I can do rudimentary design but rarely anything original.

    But I can solve almost any technical problem you might have ;)
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    Soon Wordpress counts as a programming language? :D
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    As long as they touch code, sure. Otherwise I'd go for the title "designer"
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    As long as they touch code, sure. Otherwise I'd go for the title "designer"
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