This run up to Christmas is the shit. Everything is suddenly urgent. No time to do a proper job. If that isn't bad enough, you are also tasked with thinking up some ideas for family Christmas presents, as if i give a flying fuck. I dont mind the break for the holidays but i fucking hate Christmas but have to put a brave face on and celebrate (what exactly am i celebrating). And no scrooge comments please.

  • 7
    But... Steam sales, anyone?
  • 3
    @LucaScorpion that's exactly what I was thinking. Of course, then I find myself falling into the developer trap of owning another 3 or 4 new games I'll never have the chance to play. I have a Steam library now of 90+ games... At least 50 of which I've never actually installed and played. 😑
  • 2
    @jstratton I install them all in case of an internet apocalypse 200+ the poor hd.
  • 1
    Amen brother. Looking forward to January...
  • 1
    @Silvus ... just to find out that most of them need an active internet connection ;)
  • 1
    @gnaaah nah, just most ea games :P
  • 1
    Aha, Christmas shopping done, far from the madding crowd, thanks Amazon, I only wasted 1 hour. Fatal mistake though, forgot to use their gift wrapping service!
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