  • 9
    Anyone giving anyone shit should eat some.
  • 4
    Java rules on server backend and sometimes processing of big data
  • 2
    How... how could you?
  • 4
    Sixty-two years old, been programming for over forty, worked in over a dozen languages. Do I like Java? No - I love it! And I too get sick of hearing people sneering at it. Yes, it has its shortcomings - but show me a language that doesn't.
  • 2
    Huhu. I feel you man, I feel you. I also like java.
  • 3
    @MrXero Wow, how did you start learning back then? Seems like it's almost impossibe without the internet...
  • 0
    @birkenspanner probably read off of some stone tablets- bible style! Or y'know.. books. 😺
  • 2
    Remember when developers had to memorize stuff instead of chasing the latest JS framework? @MrXero remembers...
  • 2
    I don't want to subvert this rant with my own life story! Briefly though I went on a four week training course to learn the fundamentals of ICL Plan3 assembler. And instead of the web and Stackoverflow we had a six-foot high cabinet full of printed reference manuals each covering some small part of the system. You kind of got to know all the important stuff over time but nobody could manage without the manuals completely.
  • 3
    @MrXero sounds cool. More fun than the "Learn assembly in 1 hour guaranteed" online courses that are happening these days.
  • 2
    @yusijs cool? In some ways yes. Would I want to go back to that way of working? No way! I'll take the web, Stackoverflow and of course DevRant any day!
  • 1
    @MrXero yeah, not working, more about the learning part. :-)
  • 2
    @MrXero that sounds like so much work, but I guess that way you needed much determination and passion and interest. Nowadays when you want to learn a new language, I at least sometimes, just get bored of it and search for a better/easier one to learn instead.
  • 1
    I think what irritates me most is that most people can't even come up with a reason they hate it, it just seems like it's the cool language to hate.
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