
What did you guys do for your final year projects in college? If you did cs that is. And how well did you do?

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    2 things really. I was part of a research team who used C And OpenCL to demonstrate parallelism using the gpu vs the cpu to do computations with pictures. As a more personal project for a senior project, I created an IRC bot for Twitch on Android. It turns out having the twitch bot in my portfolio impressed my now managers because of the Java side of it but also demonstrating use of OAuth AND APIs.

    Edit: not technically CS, but a 4 year information technology BS concentration in programming
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    A Java graphic calculator - in 2001. My supervisor specialised in speech recognition and wanted something to draw the waves from given formulae. Used to have it hosted online somewhere, but then browsers stopped supporting Java v1 applets. Source code is long gone.
  • 0
    Speech processing using MatLab. Tried to break down speech to its component parts using machine learning algorithms. So that was cool
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