Although I'm a Linux fan, I have to admit a few things:
1. BSD has the best mascot BY FAR.
2. Windows XP had the best sounds. Almost orgasmic...
3. Apple has the best fanboys. You see all those retards camping out of an Apple store waiting for a new gadget, it makes you feel good about yourself...
4. I would also say something about Google and Android, but they know what kind of porn I watch, so I think it's wise to skip that one...

  • 4
    Dude tux is way cuter than the Beastie
  • 2
    There's nothing more cute than Beastie! BTW penguins are pussies as they are birds and can't even fly! 😄
  • 0
    @UltimaQ @aki237 We are talking about a little devil! Nothing beats that. BTW, I'm not super familiar with BSD, but I think there's also a fish mascot, that one sucks...
  • 2
    @antoni4040 That'd be the openBSD pufferfish?

    Also, the BSD mascot isn't a devil, it's a daemon, a subtle but important distinction, even the antiquated spelling is important to convey exactly what the mascot is!
  • 0
    @nmunro Whatever, it has horns, a tail and it's cute, that's more than enough for me... The fish reminds me of Finding Nemo.
  • 1
    I always thought penguins are cuter than the little devil.
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