Hello fellow ranters! I've got a question to ask y'all. I'm looking to graduate in the Spring, and so I'm looking to fix up my resume. Any tips on what should be on it? I'm looking to get into software development

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    My biggest advice is don't put anything on your resume that you aren't prepared to ask questions about. We interviewed an 'expert c# developer' who couldn't explain the difference between private and protected.

    Simple oop concept. Had no idea. Other than that start on a side project. Doesn't have to be New or fancy. Just has to be yours. I completely discarded mine after I got my job.
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    Great advice, thanks!
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    @KodeMonkey I also learned in my most recent round of interviews not to sell yourself short. You probably know more than you think you do. Emphasize your eagerness to learn. If their job posting lists their stack. Try and talk of what you've done in it or at least something close
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