  • 2
    I agree with @Grundeir! They're amazing
  • 0
    @Artemix Sorry for the Typo
  • 1
    How's lambda annoying?! It's awesome
  • 1
    come on man! lambda is a hell of a good thing
  • 0
    @jackgreen No time to look... working for 16 hours per day... 😩😩😩
  • 1
    Lambdas are nice and you really don't have to use them anyway. They are just a convince that makes life easier once you get that little arrow <3
  • 4
    Wait, WHAT?! you're *complaining* about lambdas?!
    Complaining about not having to write helper classes for every fucking thing?! Complaining about the better code localization achieved?! Complaining about the ENDLESS FUCKING JOYFUL BLISS that is CLOSURES OVER LOCAL VARIABLES?!
    You take that back sir, you take that back at once.
  • 1
    @johnny-cache once after I learnt I will take back bro....
  • 0
    Do you mean you prefer
    new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { doIt() }}
    Instead of
    () -> doIt()
  • 1
    @ashokramcse They're fairly simple, within an hour you'll know more than enough about them to love them :D I really suggest taking a bit of time to dig in.
  • 1
    Lambdas are actually quite nice, especially in languages where they make sense (eg. Python, Haskell, and yes! ES6+)
  • 2
    So it's bad because you haven't learned them? Good logic!
  • 1
    Lambdas are awesome, can pass around very small pieces that manipulate variables as if they are variables but they are instead references to a lambda function in languages such as ruby.
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