
Every time I search something on Stack Overflow, I get excited when it's word for word the issue I'm having. Giddy with excitement, I click the question and scroll down.

Every damn time "Question was closed due to being off-topic".

Even when it's totally on topic!

Anyone get this or do I have the worst luck on the planet?

  • 8
    Happens, IMHO stack went down a while ago under its own internal pressure of meaningful questions.
    People are afraid to post because of downvotes and sometimes insane and prohibiting requirements for questions (which deters especially junior users).
    I stopped using SO long ago. I mean if i find relevant question with answer - great, but i don't ask them anymore.

    Instead i go on irc channel for relevant subject. So. Much. Better.
  • 2
    @Arlekin - For sure, I mean there's even a near infinite amount of Discords as well as IRCs dedicated to every dev topic under the sun. It's just nice not having to be social to get stuff done. You know?

    I always feel bad as well, joining these IRCs .etc for my own personal gain - I'd hate it some random person came into my house and sat on my sofa just to ask where the local fast food joint is :P
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    @Arlekin So if everybody's using chat to ask questions do we make chat records mandatory and public or do we repeat ourselves every time someone asks a specific question?
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    @nickpapoutsis - Indeed but it is the fastest way to get detailed, fast and personal so help. If only the logging side of educational information were automated. If only :(
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    @nickpapoutsis @KITATUS
    Well... i get your point. It is certainly fair one. But in the end it boils down to RTFM, which is also fair but sometimes unviable for people.
    I know from my own experience helping people on #angularjs (and just lurking there) that the real issues very rarely come from simple - that's your error, here you have how it should be (thats the last "stage" of answering the question) - most of the time, any and all problems stem from people not understanding the technology they work with, and that can't be fixed by link to docs, and sometimes not even by link to answer to similar question. Sometimes people just need some personal approach to help them get things to "click".
    So i don't think that there is that much of repeating questions. Not in my experience on that channel at least YMMV
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    @Arlekin totally agree!
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