I use Yahoo! as my main email. Please don't hate me.

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    *shakes head* why not Google at the very least
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    @FitzSuperUser I do have a Gmail. I organise my emails on Yahoo :)
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    I use it too. I like it's keyboard shortcuts, disposable email, android app & the filters I setup.

    I am so used to them that I have been trying to move to Gmail but couldn't.
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    Me too. I made it back when yahoo was still considered a thing, so...
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    @loserboi - Let me get this straight. You're willingly using Yahoo email? There's no helping you, you've gone too deep :<
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    @KITATUS Yahoo mail is awesome except for at some events.

    For instance, last year they have deleted all my mails, when I contacted them about it, they said it's not their fault, mail could have been deleted by outlook or other clients.

    I said I don't use any clients l, just use Yahoo mail site & your official app, so it's you either you or you. Then they said, I could request backup if I want & that's all they could do.

    It's not deletion of mails that worried me , its their lack of responsibility. Since then, I was *trying* to move to Gmail & still trying.
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    I once used it just because then I could have @rocketmail.com 😂
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    @vish - The fact they removed your mail without your consent and tried to blame other clients without looking into it doesn't worry you? :p
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    @KITATUS I mean the fact that they tried blaming on others instead of taking the responsibility worries me more than the fact that they emptied by inbox.

    People do mistakes but they should learn to accept it.
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    @KITATUS And the reason I still use it I've created on algorithm there. I created several filters to automatically move certain emails to their respective folders (there are 9 such folders) & created various disposable emails addresses for various newsletters.

    I am afraid I can't do that organising on Gmail at least it's going take an year or so.
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    @vish - Oh I have a similar thing set up on Google. Basically whenever an email comes in, I set the parameters for the label to move it to and then forget about it forever - yay for automation.
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    I'm also on yahoo for almost 15 years now, and i have countless accounts that use this address, but in all the years I have never had any problems with yahoo.
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    Just move to ProtonMail and get it over with.
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    Probably a lot of other people are reading your emails too then.
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    Just moved all my emails to Gmail. Ugh. If only I knew how easy it is, I could have done this earlier. Now I'm gonna change all my email addresses on websites to my Gmail.
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