
What got you into programming?

For me, it were the games. I was and still am amazed by how games work, from one side of the planet to the other side, how good the visual effects are...

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    * I was so free of time.
    * Searched Google "how to become a hacker".
    * Opened the first link.
    * My journey started.

    PS. That first link was http://catb.org/esr/faqs/...

    I started with HTML and CSS, since then jumped into JavaScript, PHP, Python. I have also have basic knowledge of Java, C++, Ruby and some other popular languages.

    Disclaimer: I'm a hobbyist programmer
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    I share your reason, games are amazing and can be applied for so many different things. I started gaming when I was 4 years old, found myself closed beta testing when I was 13 years old and later tried getting into an education for game design but wasn't accepted so I went to the next best thing, development
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