
Give everyone a chance

If someone in your company/workgroup doesn't know something basic that you might take for granted, don't undermine them and mock them.

Everyone has to learn and it just breaks morale and motivation.

Be humble and think that you're not any kind of God and think that you wouldn't like the same thing happening to you.

People who mock others for not knowing stuff just piss the shit out of me.

Be humble guys

  • 1
    Very nicely put.
  • 3
    Should I stay humble after the 10th try to teach someone that is already an adult ?
  • 1
    Words to live by

    A boss will tell you what is wrong are leader will show you how to do it right.
  • 0
    What if you gave them a chance? And another? And another?

    Or what if you have them a chance and it ends with "It's too hard, can you do it?" - That leaves two options: Do it and be their slave forever or don't do it and offend them more than not getting involved in the first place :P

    Apologies for being the downer, but in our field you have to pre-empt all possible outcomes before you commit to an ideal ;)
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