Our programing teacher(CPP) is so fucking bad at teaching.

I'm pretty sure his classes actually cause permanent damage, by rendering the other students unable to learn programing properly.

Whenever a sentence starts like, "For the advanced around you...", you can cough bullshit from the top of your lungs, because what he's about to tell is first semester c-basics.

  • 2
    my condolences
  • 0
    What if he's just being condescending towards those of you who actually want learn something as opposed to those who just want to pass somehow?
  • 5
    Is he teaching C as the basis for C++. Modern C++ approaches are not the same anymore. Things they teach you to use in C should not be things your reach for first in C++.
  • 4
    Modern C++ developers:
    Google "STL support for..."
  • 3
    @SortOfTested I also learn a ton from the cppreference.com site. Like the example implementations of the STL loops and functions. Those are really interesting.
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