
Going to attempt to get one commit oh GitHub every single day. Just to build up a habit before grad school and to take my code more seriously.

  • 1
    commits are worthless, better to focus on code. you can get a commit everyday even fixing typo.

    good luck
  • 0
    @tatocaster it's still nice though, because you get to work with a certain codebase and you'll know what's where - easier coding. :P

    Also the fancy green table/calendar is for reviews, merges and many more too, so...
  • 1
    Yes, instead of just doing a commit, try fixing or improving the algo.
  • 0
    @lukegv lol! (@_@) :D
  • 1
    This might come in handy:

    git commit -m "Empty commit" --allow-empty
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