Just realized ebay is an http address. Looks like I won't be using them anymore...

  • 0
    No forcing HTTPS?
  • 3
    Huh, they force to non-SSL unless you are trying to change your credit card or make a payment. I would think everything in the "My eBay" should be secure at least. Really no excuse these days.

    I hadn't noticed until just now.
  • 3
    eBay enforces SSL within the parts of the site that transmits sensitive data that should and needs to be encrypted.
  • 5
    Just because it is HTTPS doesn't mean it is safe.
  • 1
    Stupid rant really.
    No need to enforce TLS really, ebay use TLS when you login and do a payment.
  • 0
    Yeah not really too big an issue unless HTTP exposes your email/username and what your browsing. For example, if in a cafe you could start to use this information for a spear phishing attack. However, that's super extreme... O.o
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