
I want to marry a girl who's programmer like me. Do any one has a programmer couple here ?
I think programmers can match best for eachother.
Your thoughts on that?

  • 3
    Makes sense. I find the thought of a girlfriend/wife who can code very attractive.
  • 3
    @corscheid thing is we never got time to find find kinda girl becausr we are always busy to do stuff.
  • 2
    I'm kind of in that boat. I develop web solutions and my wife writes the clients' content. Close enough.
  • 4
    I thought that's how it would be for me. But I married a wonderful woman who hardly knows anything programming or IT related. She loves cooking and interior design. We click on all of our entertainment such as comedy, shows, music, and what not. Not to mention I love baking so we do that together. Anyways, enough of my ranting; it's not necessarily finding someone that is exactly like you, rather it's the person you can hang out with and always have fun together.
  • 5
    My wife can debug my sql statements for me... And still cook an awesome minestrone soup.

    It's fun to be able to share super nerdy jokes with your other half, but apart from that... Not much actually.

    I think at the end of the day, as long as you are happy with each other, it'll always work.
  • 3
    Well there are some guys you know who just want a gf...
  • 2
    What if you're a functional programmer and she's super fond of OOP?
  • 1
    I'm surprised there isn't a dating website for developers
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    I would make a point on having a wife that can drag you out programming when you are off work. It'll even make you a better programmer and learn to close off your thoughts by getting your head above water.
  • 1
    My wife and I, both are programmer. We talk about java to jwt and she cooks awesome. Its wonderful life.
  • 3
    My girlfriend is completely incompetent with coding. I've tried explaining some things to her but she just doesn't get it. It always helps with she says I'm super smart for it after writing a Hello World program
  • 1
    Cool stories you guys have shared. Thanks for your value able comment and i accept the fact that you fit with any as long as you are confortable but i guess it would be more productive and more fun to have a partner of your field as someone above mentioned you can share those nerdg jokes
  • 1
    My gf is a tester and I am a web developer and we work in same company and on same projects.

    I think she likes finding mistakes in my work at office and at home too.
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