
Client sends me support email concerning the CMS.

There's not enough details to go on, esp. browser info, so I ask her to fill out a support ticket.

She does, but doesn't enter any browser info, AND mistypes her email address so I have to correct it to reply to the right email.

I send her to whatbrowseramiusing.co and ask her to send the info to our support email address.
She emails support directly with these words: "I am using Google bowser".

I reply: click "Send to my designer" on whatbrowseramiusing.co and I give her exact steps to fill out the three form fields

She replies: "There is no 'Send to my designer', I only get the option to buy the domain."

I'm like "Whut?!" Did you mistype the URL? Why don't you click the link in the email? (Paraphrase)

This time I get an official email from whatbrowseramiusing.co, telling me that the client is using Safari 5.0.5. Which is five years old.

At that point I replied and said we really can't support this older browser, and included a link to the Firefox download page.

  • 3
    Is this for real? Wtf
  • 1
    Damit, wtf man she from stone age
  • 1
    Ignorance is bliss my friend, sadly :/
  • 2
    I recently met a client who didn't know how to zoom in/out of a webpage in a browser.
    It's not her fault she has to know but I am amazed how much can be done to literate people more with basic computer knowledge.
  • 2
    Yep @tocttou, this is an almost exact transcript of our conversation.
  • 3
    This was frustrating, but not that much because they're not being a jerk, they just don't know computers that well. I was glad to help, if annoyed that it was so hard to be helpful.
  • 0
    That's not a PPC Mac is it?
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