
I'm currently in a file permission hell :/

  • 1
    I know that feeling bro
  • 2
    So what's the deal?
    On Windows, just open the context menue of the devices root folder, check "Full access" for users "Everyone" and there you go!

    Don't forget to also check "apply this for any subfolder and file"

  • 4
    @TylerDDevRant sudo chmod -R 7777 /

    Right??? Solves all your problems ever...
  • 1
    @olpe Yeeees, but it is not very secure... xD

    If you're setting op a http server dont forget to configure SElinux, I took me a few days to find out that was the problem.
  • 1
    When `ls -l` starts throwing back ???? ???? You know you've got the right permissions.
  • 0
    @olpe oh no XD
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