
I'm regretting not having have done this long time ago. You can tell the difference from HDD right away. Everything loads up really fast... Heck, Android Studio even loads fast lol
Switch to SSD to save your life and time 😀

  • 3
    I did this a while ago too :) I don't want to think about ever going back ^^ Too bad large storage (e.g. Terabytes) is still very expensive, but that should get better within a few years probably.
  • 4
    I upgrade all my computers to SSD. It gives life to old Macs.
  • 2
    I still remember I upgraded. Felt like moving from Ford to Ferrari tbh
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    SSD Masterrace
  • 2
    Where can I get a free SSD?
  • 0
    Switch to a M2 drive 1.5gb read with the intel 600 series
  • 1
    I have to pay around 150 euro for a 250gb ssd here (100 if I'm lucky) and my monthly allowance is not high enough to afford that.
  • 3
    I have a policy of not working with laptops or PCs that don't have one for three years. I used to be so annoyed by all the slow indexing in IDE and searching and since the it's SSD, it's instant. (I still get annoyed by reindexing entire projects of a large codebase, yet it's fine.)

    Even if you don't have much money to invest: rather buy a cheap SSD than no SSD. No other component will have the same effect on your productivity.
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    @k0pernikus until it burns out, but i still have to admit i still want another one
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    @jckimble The "burning out" problem is highly exaggerated. I fear more crashing my HDD due to a fall than outwearing my SSDs. And we all do have backups anyway :>
  • 0
    @k0pernikus I've had two ssd both burned out in a year of use. And i didn't put swap on them to make them last longer, personally i just think us developers are hell on ssd cause mine had a 5 year warranty and they wouldn't replace it after the second one. But yes backups are a must or a very least have a way to rebuild your system quickly
  • 1
    More effective than a CPU upgrade
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