
When you're just trying to be helpful and contribute to the # Linux kernel

  • 11
    Well, they have not been hostile to the request. So I think it's ok. ; -)
  • 12
    He wanted linux to be on his "Repositories Contributed to".
  • 4
    Lol. I saw this on devrant weeks ago. Had a good laugh at work.
  • 5
    @Makenshi nahh.. they were.. the thread went on and on about ethics and stuff. It was hilarious anyways.
  • 2
    he overwhelm the long long and can't conrole his excitement #overwhelm_debugger
  • 1
    They have a type long long in a galaxy far far away.
  • 1
    @Makenshi i think its weird they are not hostile. Is it a good thing? Yes. But that's not what of expect of the Linux dev community.
  • 1
    long long time_ago
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