I need urgent answer as quora is being weird like always. Ok here we go. I have a project idea but its really huge in size. Lots of features.

My question is. I recently learned Angular 2 but I know jquery well. Which one should I choose for the frontend? Please give your opinions. I need your expert advice.

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    I would go with Angular. jQuery is very usefull for simple front-end parts, but if you're working on a 'large' project, it's better to work with some kind of Framework like Angular (makes some parts a lot easier).

    Maybe if you know PHP, you could use a PHP framework like Laravel or Cake for ex.
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    @Ronald indeed, you're probably right. Maybe if they have to develop the backend as well, they can develop some views within the same framework as the frontend and work with the jQuery library
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    @BertMaurau I am using Django Rest Framework for backend logical stuff.
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    @Ronald Thanks. It is going to be dynamic.
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    Is it some public website? If so dynamic stuff is nice but if you want all your content indexed by search engines keep in mind that won't work if you use js on front end. Yes you can get it to work but takes lot of effort. I would not use angular or at least not angular 1. It sucks big time in terms of performance. React would be, though totallu different from angular, a better choice.
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