If you want to quickly become depressed, look at how much money you've spent on apps you don't even have installed: https://play.google.com/store/apps/...

  • 1
    I feel so old. I would never pay $35 for crappy maps/navigation today, but in 2009 😋
  • 1
    @Artemix do you pirate? Or did you just get your first smartphone yesterday?
  • 1
    Oh god! Free cool apps do exist, or else I create my own 😏
  • 3
    @Artemix yeah, well, I think supporting developers is important...and that testing apps to find out the best in breed is also important...for fun and for staying informed as a person in IT.
  • 0
    @yalematta and very limiting
  • 0
    I have never paid for a mobile app lol
  • 4
    I get more depressed when I see my steam account value
  • 2
    Ok I've spent some money on mobile and desktop, but what gets me even more depressed is to look at the amount of play time I've spent on League of Legends haha
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