I have a medical condition where my palms sweat too much. I can't use touchscreens for a very long time. I really hope there is a product that makes touchscreens hyper sweat friendly. It's annoying and embarrassing. :/

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    Botox! Painful procedure, but it helps a lot I've heard. They inject it in your hands and block the sweat pores. If you didn't try this already
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    I advise some touchscreen gloves what you can use for this purpose. Hope it is gonna help broski
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    @skankhunt42 ooh ooh I member...
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    I totally feel you—having sweaty palms, especially when using touchscreens, must be so frustrating and embarrassing. It’s like something so simple becomes a hassle. I’ve heard of people using touchscreen gloves, which might help with that annoying slipping and lack of response. If you're considering Botox, that could be a solid option, too. You can find a great deal on 100 units Botox vial at beautydermal. Whatever you try, I really hope you find something that makes it less of a daily struggle. You deserve some relief!
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