  • 13
    A pile of crap
  • 4
    @electrineer thank god it’s not my desk!
  • 8
    My palm hurts just by looking at this.
  • 4
    Too bad the colors aren't reversed so that it's 4 black and 1 silver. That'd be hilarious
  • 0
    Are those inverted apple mice grey aliens? Is a probing about to happen?
  • 6
    So that's how your supposed to solve the charger problem.
  • 1
    Lab Rats
  • 0
    What is going on there?
  • 1
    "No George, we cant buy you another mouse everytime its empty!!"
  • 3
    @Scriptero very close

    @Oktokolo Company bought them one after another since each of them didn’t work, but the problem is related to his Mac book.
  • 1
    I guess, they got a little suspicious after the third one. But to make sure, it isn't just a bad charge of mice, they bought a representative sample of mice from randomly selected shops in all states?
  • 1
    Only Apple computer in the office? Troubleshooting lvl. 100.
  • 1
    Is this the "one bad apple spoils the barrel" wisdom I hear about?
  • 0
    @kamen Mostly Apples. One windows with a broken screen, some IBM laptops for good measure and a lot of Arduino/Android/iOS devices
  • 0
    @010001111 Can't you pair one of the mice with an iPad just to test? They're Bluetooth IIRC. Also, did you find out what was faulty in the laptop to prevent a mouse from working?
  • 1
    @kamen That would be too much actual thinking. And no, it's not my laptop so idc lol

    I think it's just because we have a gazillion bluetooth devices around here
  • 0
    @010001111 Apple, right back at you and your hate for anything wired :D
  • 0
    You still use IBM laptops even though the latest models are over ten years old?
  • 0
    Reuse is the highest form of recycling.
  • 0
    Some people claim that the ThinkPad line hasn't been the same since the Lenovo acquisition.
  • 1
    The quality level definitely changed by some orders of magnitude...
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