
Do anyone of you take breaks while doing long session of programming?

  • 7
    Like linebreaks?
  • 2
    If you don't , your code get quality worse and worse and...
  • 1
    It helps to take breaks so I can reflect on the problem I'm working on and make sure I didn't miss anything. It also helps to stretch my legs and I can say I got SOME exercise lol
  • 0
    Walk the dog, make lunch, smoke
  • 0
    Grap more coffee?
  • 1
    Problem you can't fix? (Smoke) break and rethink your code from step one without actually looking at it
  • 1
    The pomodoro method is great for this. For those who don't know, set a timer for 25 minutes, focus and work. Take a 5 minute break. Do this four times (or whatever), then take a longer break, say 20-30 minutes. After the break, start over. Rinse and repeat until done.
  • 0
    @nosoup4u i tried pomedoro technique helped me nothing. I didn't took care of close and open time :/
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