
Client got hacked and mauled to another dimension. Why? Telnet w/o limited login attempts. All because Sysadmin likes to have the option of bruteforcing in case he forgets his own password.. karma?

  • 4
    Lol??? Wtf... I'm a better sysadmin than him and I'm not even good...not even a sysadmin too 😂😂😂
  • 3
    @azous No doubt! 😂 Oh what a saturday.. Someone cracked and asked why he wasn't using SSH like the rest of the world. And his answer was "Meh, you of all should now that bleeding edge software is unsafe. Look at the Mirai botnet for example!" *facepalm*
  • 2
    @kataak omg, just fire him already and put someone who at least uses ssh keys... 😂
  • 2
    @azous Yeah, letting him go would be the christmas gift of the century for all of us.. 😂
  • 3
    The biggest indicator that this story is 100% true, is that you just can't make sh*t like this up.
  • 3
    Unfortunately, got what they deserved. Sad.
  • 3
    @Jumpshot44 yeah. I cried when they wanted me to come in today to "fix everything and make it work again".. Someone need a backend developer?
  • 1
    Someone still uses telnet? Why..
  • 3
    @juzles "because it's reliable and stable. SSH is bleeding edge and immature. Probably full of unpatched exploits and the whole shebang."

    How this man has stayed in business is beyond me.
  • 1
    @kataak you should reply with: "OK, I fix if you fire him and raise my paycheck" 😂
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