
Not so long ago i met a webdesigner from one of my projects. Before that i did not know that Fonts like FontAwesome exist (except that crap default Font from MS). I was so happy, no more working / designing my applications with fucking images or other workarounds! THANK YOU

  • 2
    Yes, front end devs are actually important. Haha
  • 1
    @eshwarenm, well, i am not developing web applications but desktop applications. Nevertheless all desktop designers i met (i am not working for a company; more like a freelancer) did not use a single "symbolfont" ... is web designing that different? -,-
  • 2
    @njahs they are icon fonts. Never developed a desktop app so I have no idea if it's that different. But just front end web dev should b easy because of CSS.
  • 1
    And now comic sans everywhere!
  • 0
    @eshwarenm 8 years later and one of the worst things to happen is 'icon font providers'.

    imagine a little latency breaking all the icons on your corporate subscription-only icon provider?
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