The look on our interns face when he rebooted the wrong server by mistake.

  • 11
    I rebooted a server after making updates and it won't come up again (or at least I couldn't connect via ssh)... Still need to inform the admin ;D
  • 0
    Just for the curious ones: it was an unused development machine.
    Mailed the next day the admin the situation. It was up again in no time.
    Don't know the real issue but I assume the server didn't got the right ip.
  • 1
    I once broke pip and the tensorflow. mahn got to say it way a shitty time
    It was like my first ever internship
  • 0
    @teganburns I don't remember what happened, everything just f**ked up
  • 0
    Easy! git reflog. Oh wait, you can't 😂
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