Second day on devRant.
One feature request:
Please make texts on rants selectable

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    Very much agree
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    But then people can copy paste rants and there will be more reposts...
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    Maybe make text only on your own rants selectable....
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    What is the use-case here?
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    @dfox sharing things like jokes etc with people who don't use devRant
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    @Player2 you can copy the rants link
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    @DeveloperACE I have done in the past, and the people have gone "wtf is this, just send me the thing...."
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    @Player2 screenshot?
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    @DeveloperACE my chats auto delete so I can't, but trust me
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    @Player2 he meant, send the screenshot of the thing.
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    @afrometal oh right, why didn't I think of that...

    This is a rubbish idea!
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    @dfox usecases can be many:

    + Quoting something to use in some other place
    + Using a cool piece of script/code someone has ranted about
    + googling a darn difficult word someone has never heard of.
    Eg pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
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    Is preventing selections the only measure to stop reposts???😰

    Won't adding a report repost feature be a better option?

    Btw what's the problem with reposts????
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    @ankitgaurav there is a report repost feature, but it does nothing
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    Look up universal copy in Google play Store. It lets you copy text from literally anywhere in any app.
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    This is a classic and beautiful response to get further clarification.

    "what is the use case here? " -- @dfox

    In this case it is also a use case.
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    I can see those uses, but what we don't want to do is provide an overly simple way for people to take the full contents of rants and just send them around without attributing the author.

    I know it's easy enough to go to web to copy, but I feel like this would almost encourage it. That's not to say we definitely won't do it though. I think both sides have merit.
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    @dfox shot in the dark idea: copy as text that wraps in in quotes with a
    -- rant_author
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    @brettmoan that's a good idea!
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    @dfox cool, I was think press hold on a text rant could have a popup for that (or something).
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