

Am I the only dev who gets bugged when I see the common "a semi-colon just cost me 45 minutes!" joke, or similar?

Any modern IDE or text editor will show you syntax errors immediately, and even if they didn't you can usually resolve them in under a minute.

  • 3
    No you're not the only one
  • 4
    Nope, it annoys me too. Apart from ide or not, a semicolon is burned into my muscle memory and I (very) rarely ever forget one.
  • 4
    I can understand it if it's JavaScript. You don't technically need one, but adding one can change the semantics.
  • 2
    I code in Notepad
  • 4
    This one really screwed me over in Java once

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++); {
  • 0
    @krisrosl that must have taken you hours to debug! Won't even show you a compile error!
    I was in a somewhat similar position a few months back
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