Colleague asks me to use github to help manage the co-producing of the project. I create github account and place the project's starting files on a repo. He does not use github afterwards...

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    Plus, he does not know how to use it...
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    He just heard it's cool maybe
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    we had a problem in the first project that was related to version and merge issues, because we coded the same stuff at a distance, meaning that eventually we'd need to merge all the changes we made to have an updated version of the program. I never used github but understood how it worked in minutes because of using mods that are hosted in github :p he does not quite understand how github works, and does not want to change his mind about how stuff needs to be done in there. github can ease our lives, all it takes is for him to listen...
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    Just send him random YouTube tutorial
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    @juzles I have explained him everything he needs to know. all he needs to do is to create a fork of my master and do whatever he wants, then pull request and continue to do whatever he was doing, and do an update whenever he needed the latest changes made in the master. But he wants to have direct access to the master, which cannot happen because any changes to the master affect the files on my computer, unless I saw it wrong (I deleted a file from the peoject, he uploaded another file and it appeared on my computer, so I guess he must not have direct access or shit will happen)
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