Since this week's rant topic is enterprise software, I thought why not take an existing enterprise application and make it better for my next project. What enterprise software do you use and/or want to see improved?

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    I would try and find a problem to solve instead of solving it in a way a company already has.
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    Aiutodesk inventor please
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    @nblackburn While I understand what you're saying, it's quite difficult to get users to use your product when you're solving the same problem that their software does. Most software these days are simply reimplementing the same software with slightly better features, not drastically changing them. Take Slack vs any other IRC client for example.
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    @illmakeit I think you misunderstood, you are fine to create something inspired by something else but tackle it from a different angle not just built on top of it.
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    Microsoft Orchestrator. Matter fact system center in general just sucks
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