So new PM is forcing everyone to use Google sheets as our main project management tool as it's free and does what she likes... Was so close to just quitting.

More rage: how the fudge does she think it's acceptable for every 'to-do' no matter how big or small needs to be recorded in a sheet with roughly 30 columns @#&#&£ work is going to grind to a halt whilst we fill it in. So many better tools to use! Oh it gets worse it's 1 sheet per a person so the longer you work there the bigger the sheet gets the more time you need to spend to find, record and even open the freaking document up.

  • 19
    What if I tell you, my company uses Google Sheets as a database.. :(
  • 5
    Provide an alternative, make a case why the current solution is unacceptable. Also mention that it will become extremely cumbersome when you put more data into it (while good tools become more useful when you do). If she does not relent, make an appointment with her superior and discuss (keep it to the problem though, not the person).

    Using a fucking sheet is unacceptable. It is simple the wrong tool and will become unworkable almost instantly.

    It's free? No it isn't. Every second and every bit of your workers energy wasted will cost you. Much, much more dearly than just buying some fucking software.
  • 2
    @chasb96 totally agree. That's why you should focus on a better alternative rather than just whining about the current state.
  • 1

    I had a good 20 minute chat and walked her through some better tools but her response was that she's made the sheet, people have started using it, and it's easier for her.
  • 0
    Hmm, Google sheets as a project management tool. Why not just use a pencil and paper.
  • 1
    @parag0 i would tell you i feel really bad for you...
  • 0
    @CogInTheWheel sunk cost fallacy...
  • 0
    @bolovsky yeah man, it's really a pain in the butt
  • 1
    @parag0 last time i checked you needed to publish the google sheet on the public setting, in order to acess it via api. Does that mean your companys data are easely acsessible on the web?
  • 2
    Log your time on it for a week or two, show her / her boss how much time is wasted
  • 1
    @heyheni I don't know when did you read it, but now you can make Google Sheets private and access it via API.
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