

Angular 2 or react?

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    With whom? For what? Timeline? Previous experience? There is never a cut and dry answer, especially in the JavaScript world. Without context or requirements, it's impossible to say which one is best for your situation.

    That being said, react has been my goto front end library/framework of choice. The issue is that you have to figure out the rest of the framework pieces yourself. Was a huge redux advocate (still a huge fan), but MobX has grown on me quite a bit.
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    React or Vue forget Angular
  • 3
    http://stateofjs.com/ gives a very good overview of the actual JS ecosystem. And according to that, we could argue that react seems to be a good pick
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    @DLMousey I agree, it is clearly not mature
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    Man use what you like. Try a bit of both. There's no best thing.
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