I am building an ecommerce site and the client is asking me to hide the product prices because he doesn't want his competitors to see his prices. He also thinks it is a smart move not to allow users create an account and use it immediately. He wants to manually approve every user that signs up.
Why do people who know nothing always argue with us when it comes to our job?

  • 15
    I'm not sure why him making business decisions for his e-commerce site constitutes as him telling us how to do our jobs?
  • 1
    @arekxv have u seen an ecommerce site where the prices are hidden?
  • 10
    @mistafloss That is true. But that is also his business decision and if he wants to destroy his business, there is nothing you can do about it. You cannot program common sense into some people and you shouldn't. Give your opinions and if he doesn't listen at least you know that you've done your moral duty, and client cannot blame you if he fails. :)
  • 4
    @arekxv thanks for that man. I feel better now cos all along i have been trying to program common sense into the client but i will do that no more..
  • 5
    @arekxv It is up to the client or your boss or whatever. But thats why we rant here. I don't understand all these righteous replies. We are here to complain, rant and badmouth clients of course! If I wanna hear "just do your job" i won't be here. I think of we use the same common sense principal here, then it would apply to almost the rants. I for once am glad that there is a platform for devs just to rant.
  • 3
    @mistafloss rant it out man.. rant it out.. you are at the right place.
  • 0
    @eshwarenm lol.i like the way u spice things up.👊😂
  • 1
    @eshwarenm Righteous? I don't understand what you mean here by that. Also if devRant's only goal is to badmouth clients and rant about work then I guess I'm on the wrong network. Clients are not always right, and we are not inafallible gods too.
  • 2
    @arekxv I think you are.
  • 0
    @eshwarenm Well I guess too bad for you then. :)
  • 2
    @arekxv you know what, i take back my comment. I sounded like a troll for a while. Happy devving!
  • 1
    Is the client's last name "Trump"?
  • 1
    Sounds as though this client doesn't understand his own job any better than he understands yours!
  • 0
    @thaddeus no. 😂😂
  • 1
    One of my clients has a section of products that are "get quote" due to competition. That said it's a very niche market and relatively expensive products so there's only a few choices.
    My client has explained why, his reasons are solid and he's been running the business for 40 years.
    I guess it depends on the product / market.
  • 1
    How dare you, share my best business strategy on the internet, u are fired!

    Many thanks,
  • 1
    @biscuit it is understandable if the products are expensive and very niche. However for cheap products i cant understand it. Infact the products my client will sell are food and drink takeaway packages. These things are cheap and are all over the place.
  • 0
    I've seen ecommerce sites like this before however they tend to be more for wholesale customers.
  • 1
    @mistafloss I think as long as you've explained the downside to his ideas then you can collect your pay in good conscience.
    Just make sure you only comment out the price section so you can make it work again easily when he changes his mind lol
  • 1
    @biscuit and i will be charging him for commenting the prices when he changes his mind..lol
  • 3
    @arekxv a plus to this is that when his ideas fail and he calls you to make changes to the site you'll bill him a second time.
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