Finally starting my first job as a Junior Android Developer!
Any tips -for a first timer- you want to share? 😊

  • 7
    Don't be a dick. Be nice to your colleagues. Acknowledge your mistakes and learn from them.
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    Establish your 31337 coding skilz by criticising everything. So we can hear about it on devrant.*

    *Don't do that.
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    Do google the most basic shit on a daily basis.
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    if you are going native with java, try to move to kotlin as fas as you can
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    @JhonDoe i second this. The amount of mental hurdles you get when writing kotlin rather than Java on ANDROID is something that is short of criminal
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    @sudocode to be productive when my coffee is done? Forget that. How am I supposed to enjoy my coffee?
  • 7
    1) Start with beer or vodka as a junior. Or really, water since most intern and junior code looks like drunk code anyway.
    2) Move onto tequila. Helps the inspiration or whatever.
    3) Then rum as a senior.
    4) And finally whiskey as a CTO. Keep a bottle in your desk, and a spare in the server room. Drink as needed, but not every time you need it or you’ll be dead in a month.

    Make it less weird by sharing great drink recipes and photos.
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    Take it easy
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    @JhonDoe yeah as for that, Java is will be the main language but I intent to move to Kotlin and the manager is open to this!
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    @Root Love the drinking tips! Aye captain! Hopefully I won't sink the ship!😋
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    @sudocode come on don't be harsh... initialization time has been reduced...!
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    @N00bPancakes I'm always open to criticism and know that I suck so improvement is always on the table!
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    I don’t know man! I don’t know! Don’t ask me!

    Congrats, though.
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    Don't panic. Everyone understands you're a junior. So take your time.

    Ask questions. It's cool to finish a task *on your own* and look smart, but you'll learn faster and cost company less, if you ask questions.

    Don't stop learning. If you slack, and everything you do is "whatever, it works", you'll end up a mediocre programmer down the line. But don't complicate things too much.

    Also good luck in your battles with android framework.
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    about the question part.... collect all questions and road blocks and write them up. Schedule a question time with your handler. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. That way you don't pull someone out of his "zone". Which is rude.
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    @heyheni oh thanks for the reminder! Sounds good!
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    @sudocode sorry to hear that your computer sucks man :/
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