
Just saw this job application...

  • 1
    Oops. 😂
  • 0
    This is kind of a strange set of requirement... need knowledge of any programming (not programming language), plus Java, .NET, etc. so why are those two lines separate? And you are telling me this company uses all of these languages? They don't care what language you know? That seems... strange.
  • 3
    @Yankeesrule It is strange, indeed, but ... In my book, developer must be language agnostic - when you know different programming paradigms (e.g. functional, object-oriented,...) knowing some programming language is only matter of syntax.
  • 1
    I read "steam" player and was a littpe confused till I read it a second time
  • 0
    @Yankeesrule considering whoever wrote this left on "Oops" instead if "OOP" I would wager a guess that the HR department and not an actual developer wrote these requirements and just used buzz words that they know.
  • 0
    I'm an expert at that...
  • 0
    @NathanDoesDev either that or it was done on a phone or tablet and OOP was autocorrected.
  • 0
    @Yankeesrule I know that it was autocorrected but a dev most likely would've fixed it.
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