
I want to marry C#

Seriously, I've never found any other programming language I enjoy the hell out of using quite like C#. If I could, I'd write my game engine in C# instead of C++

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    @azuredivay I was super ready to start UWP dev, was even using a Windows phone...
    Phone broke, got an Android, dreams shattered
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    @azuredivay if I'm targeting desktop, why not just enjoy winforms in its full glory?
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    @azuredivay I'm still eagerly awaiting the visual studio release in which universal Vulkan app is a default option.
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    Im a Pascal dev and I live 200 efore christ. No, im really a pascal dev, and im proid of it
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    @linuxer4fun relevant xkcd
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    @gaben it sounds like xamarin may solve all your desires :)
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    @tylerhartwig as far as Vulkan goes? I'll check it out.
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    No, for Android and uwp development with shared code :) could probably share code with regular winforms too
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    Please don't consider winforms in 2016 :(
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    @drRoss I don't know about you, but in my experience winforms produces clean, aesthetic Windows that resize nicely, visualize well, and are supremely easy to code with thanks to partial classes. It certainly isn't perfect for everything (is anything?) But for my needs it's absolutely fantastic.
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    @gaben perfect
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    What about WPF?
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    @Vake93 I use unity often. Am likely to try out cryengine soon as it has many features I have planned for my own engine.
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    As c# people what do you think of Java?
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    @JavaRules don't see much reason to use it. C# is far more feature complete, has a cleaner workflow thanks to properties, and the syntax is pretty similar to Java. That's not even to mention the ability to mix in C++ code, letting you do stuff like operator overloading and more with little to no workflow damage.
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    I love c# but work with JavaScript zealots right now. I have to keep my love for c# quiet for now...
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    @georgelynch I can't even imagine working with anything that has a j in the name anymore
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    If you use UWP instead of WinForms it will be easier to port your app to other platforms. Also, even if you only target the desktop, touch screen users will have a better time using your app
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    I wouldn't really recommend writing something that needs to be highly efficient (eg game engine) in c#, it is way too managed for that.
    Try coding a custom sorting in both languages, give it the same input, and you can see, that c++ leaves c# in the dust
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    @JavaRules I use Java at work and like it a lot. But since I discovered Kotlin, I don't like it as much anymore.

    Kotlin fixes alot of annoying things that Java has (for me) and adds a ton of useful stuff.
    Thats e.g. properties, type inference, string templates, data classes, extension functions, no nulls per default and smart casts.
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    @balambuc right, I'm using c++ for the engine for that very reason.
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    @dUcKtYpEd you can write a game engine in brainfuck if you really wanted
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    @dUcKtYpEd right now I'm looking into reworking my game engine with rust. Seems like the best choice right now
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    Then write it ! Seriously, I'm myself working on gamedev tools(a framework and library in C, not an engine, I prefer making games by hand) but go on.
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    @JavaRules Not Microsoft Java. It sucks, all OOP sucks.
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