
First commission done! Tofu 60%, Krytox 205g0 lubed creams, SA keycaps, and a special surprise foam dampening plate for extra thocc on that Brass plate.

  • 19
    I understand 0% of this post.
  • 2
    Good look on the SA profile. Can't get enough tall curves.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested I had never used that profile before, almost always used cherry profile, but I must say, for the size of my hands I kinda like them a lot. Most intrigued by the MT3 profile more, and they are pretty similar, might pick up a set when I decide to build my own keeb
  • 1
    They reach up to your fingertips and you never feel like you're overextending. My pref for decades.
  • 7
    @spongessuck tofu60% is the case name (Tofu) and layout (60%). Lubed means that I went through the damn 3hr process of opening each Mechanical switch, and with a small brush lube the housing (bottom of the switch), spring , and stem (what presses down when you hit a key). Krytox 205g0 is just the name of the lube (pure PTFE grease) Creams is the name of the switch. Sa keycaps is a type of keycaps that is curved and tall rather than the flatter slimmer keys we use daily on most keyboards.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested yeah, that's why I'm loving them, specially for my huge hands. Would like a smaller typing angle from the case, maybe a 6degree, instead of the 7 degrees this case has.
  • 5
    If there wasn't a pic of a keyboard is tell you that I don't want to know about your lubed creams or whatever else you're saying...
  • 3
    @N00bPancakes even with the photo at first I thought the guy was lubricating his keyboard to fuck it 😓
  • 5
    I might build something similar 😯
    Green cherries for me!
  • 1
    Wow this looks awesome
  • 1
    @Root oooooh, I've always been intrigued by the greens, but I usually don't like clicky switches. I will say, taking the time tu lube the switch will make it feel 100% smoother.
  • 1
    @Lyym I just might do that 😊
  • 1
    Looks amazeballs!
    What's the stuff written on the keys?
  • 1
    I'm considering building my own keyboard too, seems kinda fun
  • 0
    Speaking of keyboard, I would definitely buy it 😃
  • 1
    Hey that looks cool. Where do you buy keycaps? My mk730 looks really boring, i wanna upgrade it a bit.
  • 2
    Hmm yeah baby, I love your petite 60% form factor, your sexy curvy SA profile. I'm slowly gonna rub my lube all over your stems, gently bounce your springs, play with your curly cable. Ooooh yes, make those satisfying clicking sounds for me baby!

    Sorry... keyboards make me excited.
  • 1
    @NoMad it's legends for a different layer. This PCB let's you customize up to 4 layers with different combinations of the FN + other keys. Layer 4 would allow you to use those, but I have no clue why the user wants it tbh
  • 0
    @LotsOfCaffeine it is!! It's like the more nerdy/expensive/adult legos imo
  • 2
    @yellow-dog keycaps were sent to me, but iirc they bought them from kbdfans.com
  • 1
    @Lyym I'd be interested in messing with the actual firmware on the board. Found this doc on GitHub that might be worth looking into.


    Just a shame I don't see that many 100% PCBs for keyboards, since I want a full keyboard.

    I also thought about getting a Das Keyboard, since they apparently have an open API for the lighting, I could program the lights myself if I wanted to. But that would mean no custom key caps, at least for now.
  • 1
    @JhonDoe As this thread goes on, I think your theory is still a possibility ... not sure.
  • 0
    @LotsOfCaffeine yeah, that's super interesting! Most of the PCB's I use are compatible with QMK, which let's you modify anything you want on the keyboard, create a Json file and flash it into the keyboard. It's a pain in the ass to set up correctly tho.

    I've always heard good things from DasKeynoard, but have 0 experience with them.

    Let me see if I can find some links for full-size ones. I know Glorious has a Hot Swappable hmmm in Full, TKL, and 60% but depending on the switches it might require some clipping/ a bit of extra work. And is not as programmable as others, but I might find some other options
  • 1
    @Lyym glorious has a full sized keyboard that you can customize (glorious gmmk)
    I thought about buying it without caps and switches, and buying cherry switches and caps myself

    A decent option I would say, although importing it from the USA to Germany would be a pain.
    The custom API from das keyboard does intrigue me... but it comes at a price
  • 1
    @LotsOfCaffeine yeah, shipping for the GMMK would be expensive for Germany, but usually they shift from USPS to DHL for the INTL trip. And sadly most of the custom keyboard cases are pricy as fuck for full builds. KBD usually had a full-size kit starting at $259.00 without switches. I think there might be some group buys for full ones coming up, but I have to check.

    Also r/mechmarket can be a saving grace, or a tedious hellspawn to search for everything you need
  • 1
    @Lyym cheers dude
    I think I'll go with either the das keyboard or the gmmk (it's somewhat available in German stores)

    Not sure what place is the best to get custom key caps from though, we'll see
  • 1
    @LotsOfCaffeine custom keycaps can be a doozy. For full sets you can try kbdfans.com, candy keys.com, novelkeys.xyz, the key.company.

    If you want more custom stuff or a specific set there are a lot of group buys (basically pre-order like MO) for GMK sets mostly , but these sets can run you upwards of $150.00.

    Also you can check banggood, and other chinese online retailers for keycaps as well.

    I warn you...it's addicting and sometimes too expensive
  • 1
    @LotsOfCaffeine I don't know if they ship to GER, but there is a full aluminium, hot Swappable one here


    Not your typical keyboard, specially not for you if not a fan of a lot of RGB. It's fully customizable, and uses cherry style switches and clones.

    Wait I remembered something!

    Carmelo let's you fully customize keyboards on their site and they ship worldwide with all the bells and whistles. Not hot Swappable tho.
  • 0
    @Lyym sounds interesting, thanks
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