
Windows subsystem for Linux should be called “why are you bothering with Windows?”

  • 6
    Because it's the superior OS, that's why.
  • 5
    @Stuxnet If it were why do I need a Linux subsystem for my job?
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    @irene Because a proper Linux box wouldn't be affected by MS' lousy QA and track record of botched up updates - and that could raise productivity to a dangerous level.

    Also, you'd miss out on useful things like Cortana.
  • 6
    @Fast-Nop Cortana is one of the first things I disabled on my Windows systems.
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    @irene bc your job uses inferior tech, duh.
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    @Fast-Nop cortana somehow managed to be worse than Bixby which is low-key impressive asf
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    @Stuxnet who needs Linux containers when you have IIS amirite?
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    @irene exaaaactly.
  • 3
    Who needs Linux boot when you have a VM on the MasterOS
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    Disabling cortana now neuters windows search. For reasons. Thanks MS.
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    Who needs a carriage when you can carry your horse from place to place on your back :p
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    @SortOfTested at least without Cortana enabled, when I type in the start menu it doesn't default to searching Bing instead of launching an application.
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    Sure, it's just a testament to how badly they've botched and tightly coupled that system.
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    If you need any other office programs or are doing other development than linux but still need some linux for testing, then wsl is very good.

    If you are only using linux, no you fo mot need it and you are not the intended audience.
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    @SortOfTested who needs a horse when you have feet 😉

    The worst part about cortana is, she's useless unless your in US English.
    Like how hard is it to support any other language - I know the answer to that, but even just English in another nation would do.
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    @Voxera Which office applications are unavailable in a web browser these days?

    I have never worked in a place where IT doesn’t use WSL as an excuse to avoid implementing cross platform solutions for developers. We build stuff for Linux containers using Linux tools. We need a *nix kernel and shell. They are failing to provide it.

    Even our VPN software is Mac/Windows. They couldn’t pick something that uses openvpn? MacOs is better than Windows because it has a unix shell but those also don’t fit the IT strategy.
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    I use WLS because I don't want to void a 300 dollar warranty on my laptop. I have a second laptop tho, that one uses Linux as the main OS.
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    It is in fact. The subsystem file watchers are fundamentally broken as well.
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    @Stuxnet the best part about windows is that you can run chrome and shit on them ig hoes.

    Well you can do that with any device actually.
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    @SortOfTested I have set up two typescript React projects and taken over one legacy VueJS project the past few months while being bound to a windows dev platform and I have strong urges to respond to your comment but not much to add.
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    @EmberQuill Cortana is superb, even better than Clippy, and nearly as nice as the auto-(re)installing Candy Crush and ads in the start menu. ^^
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