Someone asked for help to solve some errors on an angular app.

Me: sure np, send me the repo link to see what is the issue.

She: *proceeds to send me a 250mb rar*

Me: what is that? I prefer the repo so I can see the history please

She: got me there, haven’t versioned yet

Me: WHAT? You’ve been working for three weeks without versioning anything?

She: yep, because I can’t make it work so, why would I?

I really ask myself sometimes if we are in this world just to suffer.

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    Me: Because I'm not helping until you do...
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    @N00bPancakes I really wish I could do that but part of my job is help fucktards who likes to make people’s life harder.

    Not mentioning that I had to explain this “full stack developer” how the package.json works.
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    I would say getting a repo up and such to start would be helping.

    Sometimes helping isn't fixing the thing that is broken, sometimes it is starting good habits while fixing the thing.
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    @N00bPancakes precisely what I’m doing right now.

    I don’t mind helping at all, I actually really like to share the not so much I know but when people plays with your time that’s when I get angry.

    And this girl is “in charge” of an angular development team, really makes you think how tf she get there.
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    @eptsousa Oh noes, in charge, ouch.
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    Webshit bar is pretty low, she's probably just occupied the chair longest.
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    @SortOfTested damn you nailed it, this girl comes from the Visual Basic 3.0 era and due to the refactoring project they need to use angular.

    But they(yes, it’s not only her) won’t even bother to go to the fucking documentation and have a 15 min read about how the framework works.
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    @SortOfTested and referring to the first part, it’s bizarre the amount of people who thinks that use a framework half-way while looking into stackoverflow every 10 mins makes them a web dev, let alone full stack.
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    Soounds bad, though I personally remember a time when not being able to configure a firewall, proxy, router or managed switch, manually conform TCP packets or code CGI gateways meant you weren't a web dev >.< Times change.

    Depends on the "full stack" for me honestly. My pref is js front ends, and faster, specialized backends (dotnet core, actix, micronaut), fronted by k8s or similar and at least an API gateway. All my code also has to be edge capable.
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    I like how she didn't even remove the node_modules folder before compressing it and sending it to you, basically just wasting time uploading it
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    @SortOfTested surely the full stack title depends, that’s why I avoid it. And there nothing wrong with no knowing something, the problem is when your poor work affects other people, and more considering git is the basic of the basics on good practices.

    And thanks for the empathy lol.
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    @neeno when I saw that my forehead vein was about to explode.
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    @eptsousa man how do you refactor...into a situation where you need to use angular and.... don't know it?

    I've coded myself into a corner but not a framework I didn't know ;)
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    @N00bPancakes don’t even get me started, this company decided to hire around 30-40 developers to refactor around 20 cobol/Visual Basic apps, and most of them are just learning angular, like who tf thought that was a good idea.

    And worst part as a I said before is not being ignorant on the framework because everyone was at some point but they don’t even try to learn the good way and do the trial and error until you end up with the most horrible codebase you could ever see.
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    @N00bPancakes and I forgot, as cherry on top, code review is alien terminology for them.
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    Sympathy 😉 empathy is when you have to imagine being in that situation. Sympathy is when you've been there as well.
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    @SortOfTested thanks for the sympathy and English lessons haha.
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    @mcfly that will happen soon, because she will have to revert some changes to fix the error lol.
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    Like there's a time to hire noobs... but within the context of folks who can show them the way. Not just mass noob chaos ;)

    I don't tend to talk poorly about other devs much, if only because I haven't had reason to, but I've certainly seen the "pick a framework ... and then not work within the framework".

    Like guies it's Angular, or React, or whatever, it's not a datepicker you use and forget about, you gotta think IN THE FRAMEWORK to make it work, otherwise don't bother with a framework. It's there to add some neat features, use them!
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