
Our stand up takes an hour everyday.

Explanation: everyday the same two guys pretty much hijack stand up by talking about tickets that ONLY involve them and has no relevance or dependency to the 8 other guys standing idle. Eventually I suggest they take the conversation offline because the rest of us aren't required. Scrum master gets offended and looks at it me like I've just spat in his face.

Productivity out the window or am I at fault?

  • 7
    You're absolutely in the right here, stand ups should take maybe 10 minutes at most; anything more means your team is too big or people are going in to too much detail. They really should be taking that offline and letting the rest of you get on with your days.
  • 3
    Abolutely. 10 min max. We use a cooking timer to keep time.
  • 2
    You are 100% right! Take it offline and everyone back to work 😀
  • 2
    Urrgh do not know how you handle it. I can't take anything where a group of people get together through obligation. not church, chrismas, family meals, planned meetings, funerals, weddings, school groups ect. So painful.
  • 3
    When that behavior started in my team I politely asked to take it offline twice. Third time I just sat down on my chair and continued working... Fuck them
  • 2
    Thanks guys. I'm the new guy in the team. They kind of just looked at me like I'm a "spoiled millennial" - but I feel I was hired for a reason and can't just sit back and watch productivity burn. Will definitely bring it up again in the retro.
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